Digital porn is available any time, anywhere, and in unlimited amounts. – Robert Weiss

A few years ago I heard Patrick Carnes warning us that we are facing a Tsunami of people, mostly young people, who are in the throngs of online porn addiction. Unfortunately, he was right. I am seeing more and more people becoming addicted to watching porn on their smartphones, tablets and computers. Some started looking at online porn as early as before adolescence.
This has a profound effect on the development of a young brain. For many others their porn use began with magazines (remember dad’s Playboy stash under the bed?), the shameful sneaking behind the beaded curtain in the video store, the dawn of the internet with ever so slow loading pictures, to (“Eureka!”) high speed internet where we can stream an infinite amount of pornography in all kinds of flavors, whatever our dopamine craving brain desires. Instantly, anytime, all the time.
If you struggle with internet porn you’ve come to the right place. Similar to sex addiction we are exploring the underlying issues (trauma, shame, anxiety and many more) that keep you coming back to porn because it has reliably numbed the uncomfortable feelings you had no other way to cope with.